Eddie's Podcast with Eddie Stephens
A Podcast by Eddie Stephens. The world through the lens of Eddie. Storyteller. Astute Observer. Solver of Problems. Seeker of Truth.Interesting guests. Lots of geek talk including Star Wars, The Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, etc...www.EddiePodcast.com
Eddie's Podcast with Eddie Stephens
Episode 3: "Leaping" Lanny Poffo / "The Genius"
Eddie Stephens
Season 1
Episode 3
Eddie’s Podcast – Episode 3
with Special Guests WWE/WWF Superstar "Leaping" Lanny Poffo / "The Genius". Poet Laurette of the Square Circle. Son of Angelo Poffo. Brother of Macho Man Randy Savage.
Jacquie Segment: Jacquie discusses the role Ahsoka Tano plays in the The Clone Wars movie and the first six seasons.
and more...
To Subscribe to Podcast: EddiePodcast.com
More on Eddie Stephens: www.EddieStephens.com