Eddie's Podcast with Eddie Stephens
A Podcast by Eddie Stephens. The world through the lens of Eddie. Storyteller. Astute Observer. Solver of Problems. Seeker of Truth.Interesting guests. Lots of geek talk including Star Wars, The Clone Wars, The Mandalorian, etc...www.EddiePodcast.com
Eddie's Podcast with Eddie Stephens
Episode 13: Stacy Jordan - Candidate for Northeastern PVP
Eddie Stephens
Season 2
Episode 13
This podcast is not planned, run, or sponsored by the International Fraternity of Delta Sigma Pi.
Eddie's Podcast
Special Delta Sigma Pi Campaign Edition
All candidates running for Grand Office for Delta Sigma Pi are invited to participate in Eddie's Podcast. To participate, email Eddie Stephens at eddie@eddiestephens.com
Name of Nominee: Stacy Jordan
Primary Address: Alexandria, VA
Name of Employer or Business: U. S. Dept. of Transportation (OIG)
Job Title: Supervisory IT Specialist (Infosec)
Chapter Name and School: Epsilon Chi/Georgia Southern University
Date Of Initiation: 5/28/1993
Email Address: stacyjfornepvp@gmail.com
Graduation Year: 1995
Website: stacyjordan-dsp.com
Social Media: Instagram @stacyjdsp